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Comparison between tourism in Egypt and tourism in Italy

 Comparison between tourism in Egypt and tourism in Italy

Comparison between tourism in Egypt and tourism in Italy

Egypt Tourism:

The demonstrations in Egypt have voided the hospices and voyage vessels, but the excursionists are returning and most Egyptians hope the recovery will be quick. 
A large number of the population works in the tourism assiduity. There's stopgap that in the long run the revolution and its outgrowth will boost business.
 With its time- round warm strands and wealth of agedness from the Pharaonic, Greco- Roman, Coptic- Islamic periods along with Contemporary art, Egypt has much to offer the sightseer. Account for over a tenth of the GDP, Egypt earns over$ 10 billion from tourism annually.
Hostel residency Egypt sank after the uneasiness erupted on January 25th. Meaning that Egypt lost at least$ 1 billion in this important assiduity that employs one out of every 7 citizens.
 numerous countries including the US and Canada issued trip warnings to Egypt, causing the tourism assiduity to collapse for the short term. These are starting to be lifted so it's hoped tourism can get back on track. 
All the Tourist spots similar as the Egyptian Museum, the Saqqara and Giza Conglomerations in Greater Cairo are open and look forward to entertaining the thousands of diurnal callers they've in the history. 
Other spots and the Nile sails in upper Egypt including the Karnak tabernacle and the world notorious Valley of the lords are staying for the callers to return.
Having just returned myself from a month in Egypt. Everything was back to normal. I was there 18 months ago before the demonstrations, and the only effects I noticed different were that there was little security at the Royal Place( of course Mubarak is gone) and new businesses popping up far and wide. 
These entrepreneurs are taking advantage of the new morning with no backhanders in order to get a business license.
 As a stint driver to Egypt we see this as the morning of progress and advancements to bring the assiduity up to ultramodern day norms. It should be noted this isn't an reason to treat Egypt as a reduction destination due to the demonstrations. 
Prices haven't reduced at the spots or hospices and to enjoy a quality stint of Egypt you get what you pay for.
After 30 times of Absolutism the country now has an occasion to contemporize and set new norms for its tourism assiduity. 
The people of Egypt are awful warm hearted people who make the utmost of what has been cathartic living conditions. It's hoped that this new period will give them hope and openings they've noway had ahead.
 Tourism is a fragile assiduity fluently shaken by colorful events, both natural disasters and man made problems. 
We believe that there will be a pent up desire to go to Egypt, to numerous it's the dream holiday bone they've pictured of from hearing the history in academy. Our guests tell us their trip was the dream of a continuance. Egypt offers history and spots that can not be seen anywhere differently in the world.
tourism has started to return. Tourism supports the Egyptian population. Visit Egypt soon, there's nothing to compare. There's only one Egypt.

 Tourism in Italy

staying for the evidence of the proliferation of foreign sightseer flows to Italy, looking at the positive data( 4) of 2007, it's intriguing to accentuate that the Bel Paese hospitality, focuses its attention on the analysis of a new miracle called" sustainable tourism".
Sustainable means a new tourism, far down from the conventional sightseer destinations, a slow mobility, special attention to the relationship between tourism and nature, in order to realize a new equilibrium between man and nature, following strategies of harmony and respect of terrain.

It aims to promote artistic, literal and cultural tricks of the home. People run down from the most crowded sightseer destinations, and Green Tourism is suitable to offer commodity easy, back- country, natural reserves, premises , cycling routes and touring paths.
Investments in Green Tourism, are commodity new and positive for Italian tourism request invention. Useful interventions can be done promoting and qualify natural geographies, pastoral atmospheres, cultural and archaeological heritage and original gastronomic tradition.
This innovative sightseer offer brings hospitality business to get technical and to increase installations devoted to the sightseer target interested in sport and heartiness leaves.
 Its target is constantly adding both, as age range and social rank.
Of course the main purpose is to increase sightseer overflows, unyoking advents in all seasons and diversifying the offer following the measures of the seasons.

The sustainable tourism enriches small sticks and creates new professional jobs, tied to the planning, the consummation, the creation and also the operation of ecotourism, cyclotourism and green tourism business.
 From the north to the south of Italy, the most important sustainable tourism plans are born, to produce new sightseer flows, where the conventional mass tourism has no interest and have been financed by European set up for the valorization and the recovery of public heritage.

The excursionists of the herbage are constantly adding and appreciate the idea to move by bottom or by bike. 
In order to answer to these new trends, hospitality structures increase the services to the guests, offering bike for rent, expert attendants for single or groups, distributing leaflets about cycling charts and routes, vacuity of specialistic laundry for sportswear. 
All hospices take care about good food, sport menus and always assure rich natural refections, in season and OGM free.



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